FPVZ USA Inc.  The Daughter Registry for FPZV Germany and our Friesian Horses
FPVZ USA Inc.  The Daughter Registry for FPZV Germany and our Friesian Horses

Main Contact

Pieter Franken

Cassandra Adams

New Address is


929 Providence Rd

Harrodsburg, KY








Friesenpferde-Zuchtverband e. V. (FPZV)



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About FPZV

History of the FPZV

In 1979 the “Society of breeders and friends of the Friesian horse”  was founded in Germany. The society’s targets were mainly: purebred breeding of Friesian horses, the cooperation with the Dutch studbook (K.F.P.S.) and making the breed more popular in Germany. Of cause this goes hand-in-hand with all the other work a breeders' association has to accomplish.

During the first years the association organized only one Kuering a year where horses were judged by the K.F.P.S. Commission and were registered in the studbook of Holland.

Besides the systematic organization of breeding, the FPZV has tried to draw more attention to this rare breed in Germany. For the very first time, Friesians were presented on the EURO-CHEVAL at Offenburg in 1980 and the audience reacted enthusiastically. After the presentation of the Friesian horses in 1981 at the World’s largest horse fair, the EQUITANA at Essen, a lot of people where absolutely fascinated by this outstanding breed. In no time the breeders' association was joined by a huge number of new members and during the following years the Friesian was successful at many horse shows and presentations.

As a result of their popularity, the value of the Friesian horse increased on the trade market. More and more people also wanted to help the breeding process. Because of federal Law the "society of breeders and friends of the Friesian horse" had to prepare new criteria and registration procedures in order to make an organized breeding of Friesian horses possible.

In two years’ time, the Dutch orders were brought into accordance with German regulations. After quite a number of conversations with the authorities of North Rhine Westphalia, with different Studbook societies in Germany and the Dutch KFPS, the society was renamed Friesian Breeder’s Association  (FPZV) and the new regulations were adopted on a members meeting.

The law says that an independent breeders' association has to have its own qualified breeding Director, who has to have passed the official examination at a university. This problem however, was solved when the new registration orders and the studbook were accepted by the State. So the managing committee of the FPZV was able to apply for membership in the German Federation Nationale ( = FN, a national association for all horseman). This turned the FPZV into an independent breeders' association for Friesian horses.

Acknowledged by the state, they were able to start working nationwide. Becoming independent and authorized by the state was the right way to go. The breeding shows considerable progress in quality as well as quantity. The number of Friesian horses in Germany and therefore also the number of members of the FPZV has increased steadily during the past years.

The successful work has increased the interest of other nations; so many foreign breeders joined the FPZV.

The FPZV USA for example helps its Members in the USA, Canada, and Mexico who have started building up their Friesian Society (now known as FPZV USA)

Today the FPZV is internationally active in breeding as well as in Sport. To give their members an optimal Service, they work together with a bigger organization such as the German FN.

Dr. George Oeppert

Forever in our Memory

November 13, 1943 - October 20, 2011

Romy Althaus

Breeding Director since 2017


About FPZV



Approved Stallions





